Naker Story Viewer #

A standalone library to easily add naker intales anywhere online #

Getting Started #

Import the Javascript Intale Viewer in the header of your website :

<script src=""></script>

This line will import the nakerstory global variable to your website.

Usage #

You then need to choose the html element which will be used to build your naker intale. You can just select this node by its id like this :

var container = document.getElementById('container');

Use the render function of the viewer and your project id in order to automatically create your scene like so :

  container: document.getElementById('container'),
  project: 'your-project-id',

You can find your project id from the url when you edit it.

Options #

You can also add some options to the render function. Here is the list of the available once :

Name Type Default Description
loadervisible boolean true Choose if text loader is visible
  container: document.getElementById('container'),
  project: 'your-project-id',
  loadervisible: false,

If you need a specific option for your project, we are open to it. Juste create an issue to share your idea and discuss it.

Callback #

It is possible to add a callback as a second argument of the render function, this function will be called when the intale is completly loaded. The callback returns the intale object with all its parameters :

  container: document.getElementById('container'),
  project: 'your-project-id',
}, (intale) => {
  // Intale loaded, do what you need!

Check the intale to see what you can do with it intale Class

Examples #

To see it in action, follow these links:
Intale viewer in the body
Intale viewer in a div